A Guide To Google Ads For Home Builders

Are you relying on the Yellow Pages and ‘request a quote’ websites for your leads?

If you are, then you’re probably competing against other builders on price.

Which means you’re working on low margins and dealing with problem clients.

Imagine if you could generate your own leads every month on demand, just like switching on a tap.

According to Safari Digital, right now 97% of users are using the internet to find a local business.

So if your building company is not appearing in their search, you’re missing out on a lot of potential business.

Instead of wasting money on advertising that no one sees like the Yellow Pages...

Or printed advertising in magazines that is hit and miss…

Or relying on referrals for your leads which limits your ability to grow…

You need to use an advertising channel that is proven to work and is measurable and scalable.

Something that enables you to advertise directly to people who are looking for a builder right now.

You need to be using Google Ads to advertise your building company.

Every residential builder already knows they should be doing this, however, most builders simply don’t know where to start.

When you start using Google Ads, you’ll be generating your own leads every month on demand without relying on referrals or ‘request a quote’ websites.

Become The Leading Building Company In Your Area

Using Google Ads for home builders, you’ll start receiving enquiries from hot prospects looking for a builder rather than waiting for the phone to ring or calling prospects that are already speaking to three other builders. You’ll have the opportunity to become a leading building company by positioning your company at the top of Google rather than being ‘just another builder’ in the Yellow Pages.

Best of all, you can measure every dollar you spend on advertising rather than wasting money on strategies that don’t work. Google Ads allows you to track your spending and see exactly how many leads are being generated, which ads are performing best, and adjust your strategy accordingly.

The Power of Google Ads for Home Builders

Google Ads are paid advertisements, also known as Pay Per Click (PPC) ads. This platform allows you to create advertisements and pay any time someone clicks on them. Unlike Facebook ads, where people might see your ad while browsing, Google Ads target people who are actively searching for what you offer.

With Google Ads, you can run search campaigns that show ads when someone searches for terms like "custom home builders" in your area. This means you're reaching people who are already looking for your services. You can also run display ads that follow users around the internet or show ads to people on YouTube who have shown interest in building a new home.

Getting Started with Google Ads

To get started with Google Ads, you'll need to set up a search campaign. This type of campaign is crucial because it targets people who are actively searching for your services. Begin by creating ads that appear in search results when potential clients look for builders in your area.

Make sure to include relevant keywords in your ads. Keywords are the terms that users type into Google when searching for services. Using phrases like "Google Ads for home builders" can help you reach your target audience more effectively.

Optimising Your Google Ads Campaigns

Optimisation is key to running successful Google Ads campaigns. Start by understanding the different types of keywords: broad match, phrase match, and exact match. Broad match terms can capture a wide audience but may not always be relevant. Phrase match and exact match keywords allow you to be more precise, ensuring your ads reach the right people.

Use negative keywords to exclude terms that are not relevant to your business. For example, if you are a custom home builder, you might want to exclude keywords like "DIY home building" or "boat builder" to ensure your ads are shown to the right audience.

Monitoring and Adjusting Your Campaigns

Regularly monitor your Google Ads campaigns to see how they are performing. Use tools like Google’s keyword planner to find the best keywords and understand search volumes. Adjust your bids and keywords based on the performance data to optimise your campaigns.

Finally, keep an eye on your budget. Start with a reasonable budget and gradually increase it as you see positive results. Remember, the key to success with Google Ads for home builders is consistency and continuous improvement.

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