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4 min read

A Guide to Construction Marketing for Builders

Are you confused about the best way to generate quality leads for your building company? Thanks to the internet, marketing for construction companies has ...
3 min read

How To Use Facebook Ads For Home Builders

Are you constantly posting on Facebook without any idea if you are doing it properly or what you need to do to generate leads? You may have noticed that ...
9 min read

8 Proven Custom Home Builder Marketing Strategies

Are you struggling to attract high-quality leads to your construction business?
2 min read

How To Scale A Construction Company: A Guide For Home Builders

What if we told you, you don't need extraordinary skills to scale a construction company?
1 min read

Why AI in Construction Must Be Embraced Now Before It’s Too Late

77% of people are concerned that artificial intelligence (AI) will cause job loss in the next year.
3 min read

A Guide To Google Ads For Home Builders

Are you relying on the Yellow Pages and ‘request a quote’ websites for your leads?
3 min read

Home Builders Social Media Marketing Tips

Are you using social media as part of your marketing strategy? Do you feel it is too complicated, time-consuming, or irrelevant to the construction ...
2 min read

Why you need a Home Builder Content Marketing Strategy

Do you enjoy speaking to new prospects who only see you as ‘just another builder’? Wouldn’t it make your life easier if they were a bit 'warmer' when you ...
3 min read

How Much Is A Builder's Margin?

How much margin should builders be adding to their projects in 2024? 15%, 20%...25%? It’s a question that has both divided and confused the industry since ...
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