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The Ultimate Construction Sales Process For Home Builders

Are you finding it tough to turn leads into clients? Are you wasting time with prospects who aren't the right fit for your business?
3 min read

How To Implement AI In A Building Company

Implementing artificial intelligence (AI) into a building company is a multifaceted process that requires thoughtful consideration.
2 min read

How To Find Productivity Bottlenecks Ripe For AI Implementation

Where can artificial intelligence (AI) have the biggest impact on your building company?
3 min read

The Simple Innovation Giving Builders A Competitive Edge In 2024

There aren't enough hours in the week to run a successful building company and still have time to work on the business to grow your sales and margins…
4 min read

33 Construction Industry Trends From 1,817 Surveyed Builders (2024 Study)

1,817 builders across four countries completed over 115 detailed questions about the inner workings of their building companies.
3 min read

Celebrating Women in Construction Week

Celebrating Women in Construction Week is not just about recognising the incredible contributions of women in the construction industry...
2 min read

The Art Of The Follow-Up: Turning A Maybe Into A Yes

If you are sick of prospects sitting on the fence about building with you, this article might be just what you need…
2 min read

How To Create Scarcity For Your Building Services

Have you ever felt the sting of missing out on a golden opportunity?
2 min read

The Surprising Cashflow Solution You Might Be Overlooking

Have you ever found yourself staring at your company's bank statement, wondering why the numbers don't add up?