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Why You’re Missing Out on Profitable Leads

Written by Will Blunt | Oct 15, 2024 10:00:00 PM

If you feel like your marketing isn’t delivering, or your sales process is inconsistent, you’re not alone.

More than 54.6% of builders don’t have a CRM system to manage their leads, and over 60% of builders don’t know what they can afford to spend on advertising. And if you’re relying on referrals for 80% or more of your leads, you’re skating on thin ice.

But here’s the kicker…

Not having a strong marketing and sales strategy is directly hitting your bottom line.

Why Most Builders Are Struggling to Get New Leads (And How It’s Costing You)

One of the biggest pain points we hear from builders is the struggle to generate quality leads. Many are relying on outdated methods like word-of-mouth referrals. While referrals are great, relying on them for 80% of your leads puts you at serious risk. One dry spell and your pipeline could empty out.

Builders that don’t track leads or follow up consistently are letting thousands slip through the cracks. Without a CRM, how do you know which leads are ready to buy, which need nurturing, and which are falling off the radar? With 54.6% of builders flying blind here, it’s no wonder lead conversion is so challenging.

Then there’s the advertising issue. Over 60% of builders admit they don’t know how much they can afford to spend to acquire a lead. If you’re in this camp, you’re likely either underspending and losing opportunities or overspending and eating into your margins.

The Hidden Profit Killer: No Sales Process

Builders that document and refine their sales process are making better margins. Why? Because they know exactly how to move a lead from the first point of contact all the way to a signed contract. There’s no guessing, no improvisation – just a repeatable formula that works.

And here’s something else you might not realise… Builders with a documented sales process are twice as likely to hit industry-standard margins of 25% or higher. If your sales process is inconsistent, you’re leaking profits, period.

On top of that, builders who charge for quotes consistently see higher margins. Think about it – by charging for quotes, you weed out the tire-kickers and only work with serious prospects, saving time and boosting your conversion rates.

So, if you’re not charging for quotes, what are you leaving on the table?

How You Can Fix This – And Fast

What separates the builders thriving in this challenging market from those barely hanging on is simple: a clear, documented process and control over your lead generation.

The good news? You’re not stuck where you are. The State of Residential Construction Industry Survey (SORCI) can be your guide to take control. By participating in this comprehensive survey, you’ll get the opportunity to benchmark your business against the entire industry.

You’ll see where you’re falling short… and where you can capitalise.

Not only will you uncover insights that could transform how you manage your leads and close deals, but you’ll also get access to real data on what the top builders are doing right now to achieve their results.

Take the survey today, and get the data you need to take your marketing and sales to the next level! 

When the 2025 report is released, you’ll receive a free copy, packed with actionable insights that can help you grow your residential building company.