Do you have a queue of clients lining up to work with you... Or are you scrambling to sign the next contract after the previous job is completed?
A common challenge that we see builders experiencing is they need work fast in order to keep the wheels turning. They understand the strategy and why it's so important to take control of the relationship and get prospects at the design stage, so they can take them right through the process and get better margins and avoid competing on price. But that all takes time. And right now, they need work and they need it fast.
They need work from people that are primed and ready to take action. So, they need to go for the low hanging fruit, which, in a lot of cases, aren't always the best people. They've gone out, they have all their designs and they're now just looking for a builder.
Which means they're probably approaching six or 10 different builders and they are going to make a decision based on price because they're uneducated. It's not an ideal situation, but if you're desperate for contracts, sometimes you've got to do what you've got to do.
The 10x10x10 Strategy
In order to win jobs fast, you need to identify the most likely places that will get you jobs quickly. And that’s where this 10x10x10 strategy works so well. It does work best for remodellers, but it can also work well for new home builders, in certain situations.
It's a simple process and all you need is your company brochure and a covering letter, or even just a dedicated flyer.
Here’s what you need to do…
You need to convey the situation to 10 people either side of the job that you're working on and 10 people across the road, hence its name the 10x10x10 strategy. So, you're going to hit 30 people in the neighbourhood. And all you need to do is explain that you're a builder and you describe your niche. And then, describe the problem you solve.
This is all standard stuff in your marketing messages that you would go through. But you need to give them a 'because'. Why are you approaching them cold?
It's because you're working down the street. Then you can just describe the fact that you're in the area and you're working on this job for one of their neighbours.
What that does is it generates instant trust. Think about the big strategy of marketing and advertising that you work on - that's taking people cold. And then, taking time to nurture them, feed them with information to warm them up. When you use the 10x10x10 strategy, you can accelerate that process because you're already working for one of their neighbours so instant trust is generated. You’ll also gain implied authority because if one of their neighbours is already using you as their builder, so they've done all the homework.
We're all time-poor. The one thing people don't want to do is waste time. So, they don't want to spend hours researching a bunch of different builders if they feel that someone in their street has already done that work for them. And if they know that person, it’s even more powerful. They’ll think, "Yep. Jack's a solid guy. If he's engaging these guys, then they've got to be okay." So, you'll get instant trust and authority, generated from a job you already won.
One Solid Opportunity
From 30 flyers you can expect to open up at least one solid opportunity. They're the stats that we generally see, but sometimes there's a lot more. But it can all come down to the marketing conditions and what's going on in the area.
But, if you're a renovation specialist and you're working in a street, chances are, there's another person in that street that needs a renovation or extension as well. So, when you use this strategy, you’re tapping straight into a hot market. It might have been something that they'd been thinking about but they weren't quite ready to move forward, however your letter and brochure or your flyer could trigger that action where they start that whole process.
This is a very powerful strategy and it does work. But you probably shouldn't just save this up for when you're desperate for work, best to be a bit proactive and add it to your job schedule; make it part of the process. It's just another task that needs to be completed when you start a new project. Set a task for every time you start a new job to produce the letters with the company brochures or create the flyers, and then just have your supervisor do the letter drop right at the beginning, at the start of the job.
So that’s how you can get new clients quickly by using the 10x10x10 strategy.
Do you see how this can help you build trust, establish authority and bring you new work in the future, or even immediate work in the short term?
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