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8 Proven Custom Home Builder Marketing Strategies

Written by Will Blunt | Jul 10, 2024 11:00:00 PM

Are you struggling to attract high-quality leads to your construction business?

Fed up with how fast your homebuilding business is growing despite trying a lot of tactics?

Marketing for construction companies must adapt to the buying journey of the modern consumer. Your customers are going to social media and other online platforms for inspiration to build their dream homes and find a builder they can trust. So if you’re not actively providing value on these platforms, you won’t factor into their decision making process.

It’s time to say goodbye to old-school marketing tactics that no longer work. Instead, start fresh with the following proven custom home builder marketing strategies to take your business to the next level.

1. Identify and Reach Your Ideal Client

It’s common to think that you need to reach out to everybody if you want to grow your business. But when you try to reach everybody, you talk to nobody. It's better to target an audience that is interested in your service, willing to pay what you're worth, and aligned with your approach to building homes.

For instance, at APB, we don’t target all builders. Our business coaching and business planning workshops are designed specifically for the owners and directors of custom home-building companies.

It’s very specific. And that’s precisely why it works.

Take the time to figure out exactly who your target audience is and tailor your messaging and service to them. Think about things like:

  • Age
  • Gender
  • Family dynamics
  • Current residential area
  • Stage in life
  • Social status
  • Interests

For example, let’s say you specialise in building energy efficient concrete homes. Gather data on the cultural backgrounds of people interested in such homes, what their family units look like, and their challenges with traditional house designs.

Looking for inspiration? We interviewed Dave Phelps from ICF Homes in Virginia on the Professional Builders Secrets podcast. Dave is known as “Builder Dave” on YouTube and provides educational content about the benefits of ICF Homes to his prospects. It’s a great example of how finding your niche can supercharge your marketing.

Understanding the nuances of your target audience allows you to tailor your marketing and sales messaging exactly to their needs.

2. Enhance Your Online Presence

Next, you should enhance your online presence so that the right people find you. One critical component is a high-quality website that is optimised for SEO.

Build a High-Quality Website  

Your website is a key part of home builder marketing. It’s the hub to which all your other marketing efforts connect.

Many builders haven't looked at their website in a while. Check yours out now, and imagine yourself as a customer selecting a builder.

  • Does your website look modern?
  • Does it communicate how you can help the customer quickly and clearly?
  • Is the website easy to navigate?
  • Is it clear how they should get in touch with you?

If you answered “no” to any of the above, it’s time to consider redesigning your website.

For members of APB, check out our Rewards directory to find preferred partners and earn cash rebates on website design services.

Optimise for SEO

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is a marketing tactic that helps your brand appear in unpaid search results on search engines like Google.

The following image highlights paid ads in blue, while SEO can help your business appear in the red sections. Without SEO, you have little chance of appearing in these hot spots, especially in competitive industries like custom home building. 

Many home builders don't realise just how valuable SEO is for their business.

For example, in New York alone, there are at least 118 different ways people search for custom home building services on Google. On average, these phrases are searched at least 630 times per month!

Without SEO, you’re leaving all that opportunity on the table for your competitors to pick up. 

Here are three easy ways to get started with SEO:

  1. Optimise your Google Business listing. This listing appears on Google Maps. Be sure to enter all the necessary information, add images, and write a description for each service you offer. Use keywords like those above so Google knows your business can help people looking for custom home building services in your area.
  2. Add service landing pages to your website. Many home builders don’t have dedicated landing pages for each service they offer. Consider adding these hot spots to your website, making sure you use relevant keywords in the content for each one.
  3. Create location-specific pages. If you service multiple areas, add location landing pages. Again, make sure to use keywords in your content but focus on the ones that include specific locations.

However, the easiest path for most business owners is hiring an expert since SEO has a fairly steep learning curve. Through our network, members can earn an 8% cash rebate on SEO services tailored specifically for builders.

3. Maximise Digital Marketing Channels

In addition to your website, consider leveraging the digital platforms your target audience uses.

Think about what social media platforms they check out daily and where they get their news. Find the online platforms they use to ask questions about building and designing their dream homes or the websites they visit for design inspiration.

These are the places where you can provide helpful information to reach your target audience directly.

Create Valuable Content

Content marketing is the backbone of any effective builder’s marketing strategy as it helps build trust with buyers throughout the lengthy sales cycle. Once your website is built (or re-designed), you should start adding regular content, like:

  • Blog posts answering potential client’s questions.
  • Video content showcasing completed projects and client testimonials.
  • Infographics to educate and engage your audience.

We recommend starting with a blog. If you’re unsure what topics you can write about, check out our guide on content marketing ideas for builders.

Engage on Social Media

You can also create native content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, TikTok, and LinkedIn.

Inspirational visual and video content works particularly well for prospective customers considering building a new home.

You can build a relationship with prospective homeowners in your area by offering inspiration and helping them decide on the colours, materials, textures, and fixtures of their dream home.

You can also localise your advice by showing stores near them where they can find colour or material samples, or showcasing popular home designs in various areas in your city.

These ideas don’t require professional video equipment. Just grab your iPhone and film while walking around a local store.

Disclaimer: When it comes to the homes you build, we highly recommend only sharing the finished product on your social media pages! Work-in-progress builds don’t help consumers visualise their dream homes.

Check out our guide on social media marketing for home builders for more ideas.

Boost Valuable Content With Ads

Considering the high-ticket value of a new home, we recommend investing in paid advertising. Paid ads can help you gather valuable insights about your audience while also promoting content that converts well.

An easy place to start is by boosting your most popular content on social media so it reaches more people. Over time, you'll discover which posts convert the best and you can add more budget to them.

One of our members did precisely this and produced $750,000 in new sales in under 30 days. He filmed some videos on his iPhone in April, and by May, he had signed two preliminary building agreements with people who had never heard of his brand before watching his videos.

The best part is that he spent only $1,200 on the marketing campaign that led to these results.

That is an incredible return on investment that shows just how powerful this strategy is.

Automate Email Campaigns

No matter how much effort you put into your marketing, it’s not worth anything unless you can convert your leads into sales.

Transitioning leads into your CRM software and nurturing them with email marketing is essential for building companies. Automated emails play a crucial role in educating prospects about your business and reinforcing your unique selling proposition (USP).

Indoctrination emails, the first layer of follow-up, introduce your company to new leads through a sequence of emails that provide consistent, helpful information. This process not only warms up leads for future sales calls but also helps build trust and engagement from the start.

After the indoctrination sequence, maintain the relationship with goodwill emails sent weekly. These emails should offer valuable tips and advice relevant to your niche, establishing you as an industry expert. Avoid self-promotion in these emails; instead, focus on solving your leads' problems and providing useful information.

Alongside automated emails, create timely campaigns featuring new content, such as case studies, project galleries, and seasonal offers. Effective lead nurturing through email marketing is about building relationships, not just delivering marketing messages.

4. Build and Maintain Strong Client Relationships

No amount of marketing can outrun a bad reputation. Developing positive and happy client relationships is a critical foundation for your marketing strategy.

Promote Referral Programs

Referrals are without a doubt the highest converting channel for builers. Of course, you can’t solely rely on them if you want to grow consistently, but an effective referral system is a key part of home builder marketing.

The easiest way to procure new referrals is to incentivise satisfied clients to refer new business to you.

However, it doesn’t have to be a cash incentive to work. You can offer a value add instead, like upgrading a design feature or offering a customisation that has a lot of perceived value but doesn’t cost you much.

You can also use scarcity tactics to help generate more referrals in a shorter time. For instance, you can offer a deal with “limited availability” or a specific time period to encourage more clients to refer your services.

Maintain Your Reputation

You should also ask for reviews when you hand over a home to your client.

The trick is to ask for these actions at a time when your customers are feeling intense positive emotions toward working with you. These fade over time, and they’ll be less likely to help promote your business after a while.

You can also build your reputation by seeking accreditations, industry awards and becoming a builder of choice in your area.

5. Offer Virtual Tours and 3D Walkthroughs

Offering virtual tours and 3D walkthroughs is a powerful way to engage potential clients and showcase your expertise. In an age where digital experiences are becoming increasingly vital, these tools allow prospects to explore your work from the comfort of their own homes. 

By providing detailed and immersive views of your past projects, display homes, and various design styles, you enable potential customers to visualise the possibilities and quality of your craftsmanship. This not only builds excitement but also instills confidence in your capabilities as a custom home builder.

Incorporating virtual tours and 3D walkthroughs into your marketing strategy also sets you apart from competitors. These interactive elements can be featured on your website, shared on social media, and included in email marketing campaigns, offering a dynamic and engaging way to connect with leads. 

Additionally, virtual tours can serve as a valuable tool during initial consultations, helping you and your clients discuss preferences and ideas with a clear visual reference. This innovative approach not only enhances the customer experience but also positions your brand as forward-thinking and committed to leveraging the latest technology to meet client needs.

6. Don’t Forget Traditional Marketing Tactics

While the above marketing tactics can elevate your brand above competitors, don’t forget to stay on top of the basics, too.

Event Marketing

Offline events are a great way to engage with potential clients and for them to develop a deep sense of trust that’s hard to deliver online. For instance, you can consider engaging with potential clients at:

While we advocate event marketing for builders, it can be expensive, especially if you’re just starting out. Check out our guide on event marketing to decide if it is the right choice for your business.

Offline Marketing

In a digital world, offline marketing such as printed advertising materials and signage can really help you stand out.

Consider using:

  • Large site signage
  • Clear vehicle signage
  • High-quality brochures
  • Direct mail campaigns (such as local letter drops).

All of these tactics can reach your target audience in local communities.

There’s a reason we teach a dedicated Action Plan on setting up the right signage; it’s crucial for establishing authority in your local community and getting your brand seen by your future customers.

7. Partner With Local Businesses

Another great marketing technique is partnering with other local businesses. It’s best to consider businesses that also target the same audience as you but aren’t in direct competition. 

Think of adjacent service providers like:

  • Home loan lenders
  • Mortgage brokers
  • Home stagers
  • Interior designers
  • Architects 
  • High-end furniture stores
  • Real estate agencies 
  • And more.

There are many ways you can partner with these businesses. For instance, you can bundle your services or you can set up a rewards program offering rebates, discounts or added value for customers referred by your partners.

The best partnerships create win-win-win outcomes for you, your partner and the customer.

8. Measure and Analyse Performance

If you want to scale your construction company to the next level, you need to set clear marketing objectives and Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

Custom home building services typically have a long sales cycle. It can take months, if not years, between someone's first thoughts about building their dream home and when they pay the initial deposit. 

In general, the buying journey for your services looks a bit like this:

  • Awareness: Your prospects know they have a problem, for example, their house feels cramped, but they haven’t started looking for solutions. Your goal here is to get custom building services on their list of solutions to scope out.
  • Consideration: At this phase, your prospects evaluate different solutions before they select the best one for them. Your goal is to convince prospects that custom building services are better than alternatives, like spec homes.
  • Decision: Once a prospect has decided they want a new custom home or a custom extension, your marketing should be tailored to encourage them to choose your brand over your competitors.

You need to know how much of your marketing budget is worth spending on prospects at each phase in this journey. Check out our Marketing Blueprint for Builders to determine how much you should spend to acquire a qualified marketing lead.

Elevate Your Business With Proven Home Builder Marketing Techniques

To convert passive prospects into interested buyers, custom builders need a powerful home builder marketing strategy. A multi-channel approach is best. 

Create a visually appealing, user-friendly website to lay a solid foundation. You can then launch custom home builder marketing strategies via social media, email marketing, direct mail, and more. Feel free to use this checklist to audit your current marketing strategy and identify where there may be gaps.