Articles by Russ Stephens

4 min read

How To Calculate The True Break-Even Point For Every Project Before You Quote A Price

A common mistake that is made by builders when pricing a larger than normal project is to reduce the margin percentage after looking at the gross profit ...
3 min read

The 2 Figures Inside Your Business Plan That Determine The Price You Need To Charge

In 2007 I attended an annual conference for a franchised building company. One of the speakers at the conference was a master franchisor from New Zealand ...
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The Truth Behind Failed Building Companies

We’d always been baffled by the huge amount of bad debt that racked up by building companies that went into receivership. In theory, if they paid their ...
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The 5 Stages Of Decline For A Building Company

With 75% of residential building companies operating on net profit margins of less than 3% while dealing with rising construction costs of 25%, it’s no ...
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The Problem With Non-Construction Accountants

95% of accountants in Australia do not understand how to prepare financial statements for a construction company… However, it’s not entirely their fault… ...
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Why Large Building Companies Are Failing…While Small Building Companies Are Thriving!

The recent building company collapses have shattered the myth that the big companies are stronger and more likely to be in a position to ride out the ...
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How Much Cash Does A Building Company Need?

How much working capital do you need to run a building company? How much cash should you hold in reserve? …And can you have too much cash in a business? ...
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How To Optimise Your 2022 Business Plan

You’ve created a business plan for the year ahead...
3 min read

Australian Budget 2022: Tax Benefit For Builders

Builders in Australia that use digital technology are eligible to claim 120% of the amount invested for the next 12 months up to a limit of $100,000. ...