Articles by Russ Stephens

4 min read

Ever Called A Prospect That Didn’t Know You?

Have you ever experienced that moment when receiving a brand new enquiry from a prospect that ticked all the boxes and looked like being a great ...
4 min read

How Much Should You Spend On Advertising Your Building Company?

This number is the holy grail of business. When you crack this code, there is no limit to the size you can grow a building company to…
4 min read

5 Tips To Improve The Accuracy Of Your Estimates

Estimating residential construction projects is a combination of art and science. That is to say, estimating is not just about the numbers on a computer ...
3 min read

How To Connect With A Prospect And Avoid Losing Them Through Overwhelm

A few years back I was asked to assist a building company with their sales. They were building great homes...
5 min read

How To Confidently Close Any Sale

The #1 thing that holds builders back from making more sales is confidence…
3 min read

Why Consumers Avoid Telling The Truth To Builders

Twenty years ago, Ari Galper, who is now one of the most successful sales trainers in the world, was a salesperson for a large software company.
5 min read

Which Is Best? Contract Builds Or Spec Homes?

One question that is never far from a residential home builder's mind is… Is it worth it? Why don’t I cut out the clients and just build spec homes? Some ...
5 min read

Why Building Company Owners Need To Prioritise Their Mental Health

When you think of workplace hazards that cause death in the construction industry, your mind probably goes to accidents by falling, being crushed by heavy ...
4 min read

How To Get Your Prospects To TELL YOU THE TRUTH When You Ask For Their BUDGET

One of the biggest challenges we hear from custom home builders is that their prospects will not tell them the truth when they ask for a budget.