Articles by Russ Stephens

3 min read

Why Consumers Avoid Telling The Truth To Builders

Twenty years ago, Ari Galper, who is now one of the most successful sales trainers in the world, was a salesperson for a large software company.
5 min read

Which Is Best? Contract Builds Or Spec Homes?

One question that is never far from a residential home builder's mind is… Is it worth it? Why don’t I cut out the clients and just build spec homes? Some ...
5 min read

Why Building Company Owners Need To Prioritise Their Mental Health

When you think of workplace hazards that cause death in the construction industry, your mind probably goes to accidents by falling, being crushed by heavy ...
4 min read

How To Get Your Prospects To TELL YOU THE TRUTH When You Ask For Their BUDGET

One of the biggest challenges we hear from custom home builders is that their prospects will not tell them the truth when they ask for a budget.
3 min read

Why Accountants Are To Blame For Building Company Collapses

We should probably start off by saying we are not anti-accountants... In fact, some of our best friends are accountants!
6 min read

Suicide In The Construction Industry And How You Can Help Prevent It

Nine Australians die every day by suicide. 75% of those who take their own life are male. Of those males, construction workers are 53% more likely to ...
1 min read

Why New Home Builders Are Paying Too Much Tax

In March 2011 I received a phone call from a custom home builder who was beyond desperate…
3 min read

5 KPIs Every Builder Must Know

There are five key numbers (Key Performance Indicators or KPIs) in a residential building company's financials that you must be completely across on a ...
2 min read

Booked out for 18 Months?

Cash flow is looking good… You are booked out for the next 18 months… You have never been busier... Head down, bum up, in all your years in business, ...